Thursday, October 17, 2013

Concerning {Catching Fire}

Before I start my post:

Word of the Day:  Blowzy – \ BLOU-zee \ , adjective; 1. having a coarse, ruddy complexion. 2. disheveled in appearance; unkempt.

Song of the Day: Hold Me Now - RED 


There's a lot of different opinions on The Hunger Games trilogy. Yes, it went completely viral and the characters and books and everything set people off into debates, but this is my blog, so I am expressing my thoughts.

I saw the video for 'The Hunger Games: Catching Fire - 'Atlas' TV Spot' and nearly started crying. I don't get attached to most books and movies, but the Hunger Games are something else. It's a rebellion against something bad and painful things happen to these characters. I get really attached to characters that endure pain, but still push through.

Click here to watch the video.

This video made me cry.
A lot of the stuff in it won't  make sense if you have not read the books,  but still.

The Hunger Games is a book series, a popular and a very good book series. Talent has been poured into it and for people to say it is awful, you obviously have never attempted to write a book. You have to piece things together, one by one and makes sure it all flows.

Suzanne Collins is an amazing author and like all authors, famous or not, she deserves a lot.

Aiiyaiiiyaii, don't get mad at me if this isn't your favorite genre. Just remember this:

Never judge a book by it's cover, or what others have said about it. It is wonderfully constructed and can touch someone in ways that it would never touch you.

Eat bagels, drink tea and go on some brave adventure.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Greetings, erm, salutations, hola, dia duit, howdy...erm.............................................hi.

I can't remember what I had for breakfast yesterday morning, so bare (bear, boar, moar, door) with me.

I attempted to participate in the journalism month thing, but that crashed and burned (obviously).

Word of the Day: Obverse; noun; 1. The side of a coin, medal , flag, etc., that bears the principal design. 2. The front or principal surface of anything. 3. A counterpart.

Song of the Day: Summertime Sadness - Lana Del Ray

I wanted to share some sporadic thoughts on something.

"I never desire to converse with a man who has written more than he has read." ~ Samuel Johnson

I've been reading for almost all of my life. I've been writing for almost all of my life also, but, reading is so much easier than putting your pen to paper or your fingers to a keyboard (For fellow writers, do hard things). In one month, I read one book fifteen times. Yes, it was during CSAPs but that's not important, point is, reading is key to writing.

They say if you read a certain genre, then you're likely to write that genre because you know how it works. I don't read sci-fi books, therefore I do not write them. I do read romances, adventure, dystopian and fantasy books, so I tend to write those genres.  I do read some modern novels, but I would never write them. Reading other author's works can help your own.

Books are knowledge whether they have analogies or not. The Blood of Kings Trilogy by Jill Williamson is fantasy based and such an amazing story that has a wonderful analogy. Others such as Lord of the Rings and the Chronicles of Narnia have analogies also, but some books speak the truth right from their pages without them.

Reading is also healthy. I don't mean reading boring medical journals, but fictional stories. Even if you dislike it, it is a healthy escape from the world – unless it's a book that you get really emotionally attached to and you walk around in a haze because of it. Need a break from the crazy world of high school, college or even work? Pick up a good book.

Happy Wednesday to you, whoever is reading this.

Drink a cup of tea, watch the grass grow and keep loving.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

September is Journaling Month! (Labor Day Weekend)

As the title says, September has been dubbed as Journaling Month by my dear Wise Owl who is named Nate. If you want a more detailed explanation of that the heck we are doing, go to Nate's blog here. I'm going to totally copy him and say that I'll attempt to post every Saturday/Sunday. Now, this may turn into a daily thing of spasmodic posting, so bare(bear, boar, moar, door) with me.

Side note: Happy Sunday, have a pony.

Holy Cheezits it's already September whaaaaaaaaaaaaat. Have a very safe Labor Day weekend, whether you are playing or laboring, stay safe and God Bless.

Light off fireworks (wrong month but you can still party with a boom!), dance around, don't get hit by a car and eat sugar.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Too Much Cotton Candy

Today, we had our back to school picnic. For the most of the morning leading up to this picnic, myself and some other members of our student council made and bagged cotton candy. 118 bags of the nasty, yummy, sugary and really-bad-for-you stuff. Well, I ended up eating a huge amount there AND at the picnic, resulting in consuming nearly ten pounds of the stuff. I will never eat cotton candy again, mind you.

You're probably thinking: "Jeez, you are an IDIOT", and I might be, but... You only live once, and you only consume ten pounds of cotton candy ONCE. Get my gist? Now, me drinking nearly two gallons of lemonade in one day is completely irrelevant and a different story, 'kay?

I got hugged by a VERY wet best friend because of the slip-in-slide, managed to get people to sign up for student council AND didn't die from sugar overdose. I'd say it was pretty fantastic. And I trotted my horse bareback up and down the lane. Twice. Ninjaaaaaa skills.

Dance. Laugh. Cackle. Sleep.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Contest, End of Summer, School and Regeneration

This time last year, I was finishing up and editing my novel in excitement for the contest deadline on the fifteenth... This year? I have a half finished book and I'm cheering on my fellow novelists that are entering. This year, my novel proved to be harder than last year, but! it had a plot and story line, unlike the one last year. To those entering, best of luck. :)

I rock at keeping blogs up, I know, but how many people actually read this?
"Oh hey, the horse girl wrote another blog, hmm, let's see what it is today... Oh, more rambles about writing books, never mind!"
I mean, really. My blogs aren't really about anything interesting, but they're fun. I don't only write about writing, but horses, feelz, OYAN people and other things are easily wedged into this text. Speaking of which, here goes.

School starts up next week along with volleyball. When I say school, I don't mean seven classes a day, five days a week. I mean the one class at the high school that is five times a week. I start the rest of my classes after September 1st. I'm personally terrified to be at the high school, even if it is only for fifty minutes, but I don't get along with the majority of public high schoolers; there are exceptions (you people know who you are).

This summer has consisted of meeting amazing people and writing (summer workshop), being around twenty amazing teen camp counselors and eighty plus campers, riding horses, getting caught up on Doctor Who, getting to see my favorite bands in concert, starting a new series called Life, finishing Heartland, reading about ten books, writing and learning the line dance to Fake ID. I can't wait for school to be here. It's going to be a great year and I'm really looking forward to it.

Class of 2015, we have two more years. Let us make the best of it.

I'm regenerating (whoever got that reference, I'm so proud of you) my blog AND DID YOU KNOW THAT MATT SMITH IS REGENERATING. D: IT'S GOING TO BE SO SAD...But I believe we have a good Doctor once again. Just give him time.

Don't Blink and Count the Shadows.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Hello, my name's Zaeyann.

I've created a pen name of sorts. Zaeyann Ash Coëvel. It's rather random and sporadic, but I like it. Now I can label things ZC and stuff.
I'm very excited about this, okay? *boingbounce* Now I have HRW, Beth Audrey-Senna Ramais (Ramais is from one of my novels) and now Zaeyann. *sproing*

Tiny update.
Over 16k in HaD.
Halfway through chapter five.
Vivian is giving me a death glare.
I found a new way for art. Pictures maybe, you say? I dunno.
I made a new quote: The words you say, they hurt, but you're too blind to see that they're damaging you too.
Yeah. Character feelz from that one, let me tell you. 'Kay. I'm gonna get going.

Paint/draw a dark picture with meaning, laugh, eat ice cream with a fork and drink pink Gatorade.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

What to say?

I don't have much, but I do have this:

“You were given life; it is your duty (and also your entitlement as a human being) to find something beautiful within life, no matter how slight.”Elizabeth Gilbert

What do I find beautiful? Everything, really. To be more specific, life itself, nature, rainy days when the clouds form the most magnificent things and sunlight. Adding to that list would be laughter, joy, smiles, people, flowers and snow.

What do you find beautiful? 

Don't get pinched, wear green, dance like a maniac and draw a bumblebee. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February is almost {GONE}

February was great. Valentine's Day, snowboarding, getting to go see my sister for her birthday and the snow. Also, I got to read one of the best books ever! Unwind is a Young Adult novel written by Neal Shusterman. I got it from my best friend, and she said, "I know you're going to love it!" Well, I did. Read it in less than two days. I highly recommend it (Pardon the mild language.).

It's the second week of Lent and there's two main things I gave up: Soda and computer time. The only time I can get on the computer is if I have all of my schoolwork for the day done. Let's say that it's working really well. Another thing that I'm doing is praying more. A lot more. So interesting how if you motivate yourself to do things, it works! Frying pans! who knew, right?

Ever since the beginning of Lent, I've had a different attitude towards school. There's a reason teens aren't in college, getting jobs (most of us, anyways) or starting families. You need to go through high school, because it preps you for college, etc. in a way. High school can be the worst years for a lot of people... But remember this:

When all of the hurt and pain comes our way, it's really God chiseling away at us. He's making us into who we really are for when we join Him in Heaven. He's perfecting us, in a way.

Don't give up hope, don't stray away from God and always love. God will bring you through, no matter what.

"Have pity on me, Lord, for I am weak;
heal me, Lord, for my bones are trembling. 
In utter terror is my soul—
and you, Lord, how long . . . ?
Turn, Lord, save my life; 
in your mercy rescue me." 
Psalm 6:3-5

Call a friend, draw a picture and say an extra prayer or two.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

New Blog {Valentine's Day}

My old blog, A Writer and Her Horses, got hacked, so I had to delete it. 

It's nearly Valentine's Day, and I know that some people are freaking out about being single. God gave this world to us, out of love and He also sent His only Son to die for us... That's a whole lot of love, if you ask me. So, this Valentine's, single or not, go out and love. Give someone a piece of paper, saying that they look fabulous and should smile. Give out packs of candy on a street corner, wave and smile at a stranger, and be happy. 

Don't look at Valentine's Day as 'that day for couples and wedded people to be all lovey-dovey'. Look at it as a day to love people in general. Be outgoing and don't get down about being single... Because God is writing your love story. Give Him the pen and He'll take it the rest of the way. 

With that, I leave you with this video that a dear friend of mine put together.
Happy Valentine's Day. 

Smile at a stranger, sing along to a song and spin in a circle. 

"Love is what makes you smile when you're tired."