Tuesday, February 26, 2013

February is almost {GONE}

February was great. Valentine's Day, snowboarding, getting to go see my sister for her birthday and the snow. Also, I got to read one of the best books ever! Unwind is a Young Adult novel written by Neal Shusterman. I got it from my best friend, and she said, "I know you're going to love it!" Well, I did. Read it in less than two days. I highly recommend it (Pardon the mild language.).

It's the second week of Lent and there's two main things I gave up: Soda and computer time. The only time I can get on the computer is if I have all of my schoolwork for the day done. Let's say that it's working really well. Another thing that I'm doing is praying more. A lot more. So interesting how if you motivate yourself to do things, it works! Frying pans! who knew, right?

Ever since the beginning of Lent, I've had a different attitude towards school. There's a reason teens aren't in college, getting jobs (most of us, anyways) or starting families. You need to go through high school, because it preps you for college, etc. in a way. High school can be the worst years for a lot of people... But remember this:

When all of the hurt and pain comes our way, it's really God chiseling away at us. He's making us into who we really are for when we join Him in Heaven. He's perfecting us, in a way.

Don't give up hope, don't stray away from God and always love. God will bring you through, no matter what.

"Have pity on me, Lord, for I am weak;
heal me, Lord, for my bones are trembling. 
In utter terror is my soul—
and you, Lord, how long . . . ?
Turn, Lord, save my life; 
in your mercy rescue me." 
Psalm 6:3-5

Call a friend, draw a picture and say an extra prayer or two.

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