Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Greetings, erm, salutations, hola, dia duit, howdy...erm.............................................hi.

I can't remember what I had for breakfast yesterday morning, so bare (bear, boar, moar, door) with me.

I attempted to participate in the journalism month thing, but that crashed and burned (obviously).

Word of the Day: Obverse; noun; 1. The side of a coin, medal , flag, etc., that bears the principal design. 2. The front or principal surface of anything. 3. A counterpart.

Song of the Day: Summertime Sadness - Lana Del Ray

I wanted to share some sporadic thoughts on something.

"I never desire to converse with a man who has written more than he has read." ~ Samuel Johnson

I've been reading for almost all of my life. I've been writing for almost all of my life also, but, reading is so much easier than putting your pen to paper or your fingers to a keyboard (For fellow writers, do hard things). In one month, I read one book fifteen times. Yes, it was during CSAPs but that's not important, point is, reading is key to writing.

They say if you read a certain genre, then you're likely to write that genre because you know how it works. I don't read sci-fi books, therefore I do not write them. I do read romances, adventure, dystopian and fantasy books, so I tend to write those genres.  I do read some modern novels, but I would never write them. Reading other author's works can help your own.

Books are knowledge whether they have analogies or not. The Blood of Kings Trilogy by Jill Williamson is fantasy based and such an amazing story that has a wonderful analogy. Others such as Lord of the Rings and the Chronicles of Narnia have analogies also, but some books speak the truth right from their pages without them.

Reading is also healthy. I don't mean reading boring medical journals, but fictional stories. Even if you dislike it, it is a healthy escape from the world – unless it's a book that you get really emotionally attached to and you walk around in a haze because of it. Need a break from the crazy world of high school, college or even work? Pick up a good book.

Happy Wednesday to you, whoever is reading this.

Drink a cup of tea, watch the grass grow and keep loving.

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